error when typing a new product inside store manager

error when typing a new product inside store manager

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Jul 03, 2014
Rene Esselink wrote

good day

pls can you tell me when i insert a new product into prestashop store manager and in the name is a . or - or ( it is not working but when i type the same name into the backend of presta shop its working fine i get by exemple

page not found

but when i type the exact same linkname in the backend its working fine

maby you can make a solution
i work straight on the database i try it also with a brigde no change
1 Answer
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Jul 16, 2014
Ira Kobylianska agent wrote

Thank you for your post.

Actually its hard to say for sure what caused the issue for you, so we need to check it with your database.
Please submit a ticket and provide us with your store connection configuration (you can save it at Preferences[F12] / Actions / Save current configuration) and screen-captures of the issue, so we could check it from our side.

Please do not post any details here, since it is a public forum and all data is accessible for all our users.

Waiting to hear from you