How can I set the label for each image on import (media gallery images)?
If this was not done during import, can this be done as an update once the media gallery images are up?
How do I set media gallery labels for each individual image on product import?
How do I set media gallery labels for each individual image on product import?
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3 Answers
Feb 27, 2014
Ira Kobylianskaagentwrote
Thank you for your interest
You can import labels for each image from media gallery if specify it in the same way as images are specified (add all labels in the same order as images are specified and divide them with teh same delimiter that you used for import media gallery)
For example, if you import label1 and label2 for image1.jpg and image2.jpg, you file shoudl looks like the following:
"label1;label2" "image1.jpg;image2.jpg"
In order to add label to images that were already uploaded, you can run SQL statement to add values for example based on product name. We can create such SQL statement for you for additional fee.
Let us know if you have more questions
Feb 27, 2014
Mordy Richlerwrote
Great. The import system is pretty logical.
If I simply re import with only the addition of the gallery image label column filled out, what effect would that have on the gallery images (will they get re-imported etc,) if there is no adverse effect, then I can do without the SQL statement and simply re import with the addition of the gallery image label column.
Feb 28, 2014
Ira Kobylianskaagentwrote
Thank you for your reply.
You can export values from 'media gallery' field with sku to the file (checked to export image name as is - check attached) ans add to the file labels. In this case, images names would be simple rewritten at your database by the same values and you could add image labels to your products. Do not check Upload images during import.
Please note, that image name should have full path if you do not want to reload images.