It makes it easier/cleaner to upload it in a shopping-search engine.
See pictures made in LibreOffice only for better visibility.
With 36.000 dvd's it's a lot of work to do this manually.
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No problem for Store Manager.
You can all the same with expression during the import of CSV file.
See How-to Article about expressions -
Here it is small video example how to format text from CSV file during the import process -
All you need is concat("some text",column id,"some text 2") - that's all for import epxression
In this video example I inserted some text from Product name + HTML Tags P and Strong into description column.
By the way you can use the following command:
to manipulate data in the import
Automatic chancing <p></p> to <br><br> instead in HTML
Automatic chancing <p></p> to <br><br> instead in HTML