Maintain the order of the columns of the shown information when update the version.

Maintain the order of the columns of the shown information when update the version.

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Jul 18, 2019
Virginia Arenas - Envalia Group wrote

Everytime that there's a new version, we update the program.
After that, the order of the columns of the shown information (References, Prices, Names, etc.) is altered. Everytime we need to reorganize the columns to what we had before we update.

This need to be fixed, please! From one version to the next one, we would like to maintain the same order.
It's like saving the import/export settings. It would be great whether we can save different settings and then load the setting that you need.

Please, vote for this needed feature!!
8 votes
2 Answers
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Jan 30, 2020
nik wrote
that great idea.
when instal new pc or new place also good if can pe instal config file
include favory icon
and sheets filters
May 15, 2020
Steve Myers wrote
I can't add my vote to this, though I want to, but this has been a pain in the neck every time I upgrade!