There are two ways to embed a youtube video in the product description. By copying the embed code (html code) provided by Youtube in the sharing options and by inserting the video link (the shortened url not the embed html code itself) through the store manager html editor.
The first one, inserting the html code provided by youtube directly into the description window using RAW html edit mode, with this particular video, would be (copy/paste from youtube sharing video options):
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0"></iframe>
If you do that (paste the code, accept the changes and untick the raw mode box for a preview), you should start seeing (or at least we do) the weird behaviour I was talking about.
I have plenty of descriptions from months ago with embedded youtube video that don't pose any problem at all. Those were inserted using this method and they look like:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
As you can see, the only difference is the inclusion of "http:". Youtube must have changed something. That code though (without the "http:" works fine anywhere else). That shouldn't be a problem but whenever the product with such a description is selected in the store manager grid, the description window gets stuck, hangs or worse depending on the user's patience.
I'm not saying the store manager should be aware of every video platform update. That would be crazy, but at least prevent the description preview engine from causing problems whenever bad html code is presented. That is obviously, provided that someone else can reproduce this behaviour and there's nothing wrong with my software (tested on two machines). That's why I'm asking you to look into it.
The second way is to use the 'edit/insert embedded media' button in the HTML Editor and paste the video link (the actual shortened url) into 'file/url' field:
This method works fine for any youtube url except for those with a dash in it. See what happens when you try it with the url above. It should be translated to the full url, but it gets cut off at the dash (at least mine does). So no video is shown.
So that makes two kind of bugs. Is it only me?