Now It is possible to made a back up of the data base and set the day and hour that you need it was made, but there is no possibility to made a back up of the shop files and I think it is very very important too.
1. We need prestashop manager had a programmable ftp to decide the day an hour to download the files.
2. Then prestashop manager should let compare files, folders, and text. From my computer (the original) with the ones that I have downloaded
3. And if the files, folders, images or txt are different could synch them and restaure
1 vote
3 Answers
Sep 10, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello Beatriz!
Thanks for comment.
Hm... according to PrestaShop logic we have 6-9 pictures for 1 product image (it depends on your back-end setings)
If you have about 10 000 products with pictures we have the following list: 10 000 x 7 - 70 000 image files in folder p
Backup of such huge number of files - is very time consuming process for Store Manager.
I'd rather use native Backup tools from server (tar gz archive)
Right now we can do backup of DataBase on scheduled time.
For now, According to our Policy, we implement a new features according to the volume of customer votes.
Sep 14, 2013
With a backup tool from server you only have the files, but with the back up that I have explained, not only have the files, you can see if someone has made a bad use of your shop: hack, delete, and so on. It is not necesary to back up pictures every time.
And even you could see if this files has not been changed, so decide not to back up this week for example.
Please vote for it!!! :-)
Sep 16, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Right now you can use automatic scheduled backup. This function is available in PRO version of Store Manager.
I recommend to backup database via Store Manager according schedule, but do backup of files on server side. It'll be quickly.
Automatic Back Up files from the web and compare them with the original
Automatic Back Up files from the web and compare them with the original