The import process is too slow even if I import a couple of items the process took to much time, why?
Slow performace during item import
Slow performace during item import
Reset password
3 Answers
Mar 14, 2014
Ira Kobylianskaagentwrote
Thank you for your interest.
Import speed depends on some factors:
- type of connection (direct or bridge)
- upload images
- re-index option (checked at the last step of import wizard)
- cache import option (checked at the last step of import wizard)
- accelerate import by increasing memory usage option (checked at the last step of import wizard)
Please check the following article for details:
Let us know if you have more qeustions
Jun 09, 2014
Jeremy Schechnerwrote
Is ther e away to turn off the backup and restore scripts on the import procedure? If Store Manager didn't perform these actions the import procedure would be 50% faster.
Jun 10, 2014
Oksana Semenyukagentwrote
Hello Jeremy,
Thank you for your question.
The backups you're talking about may be related to caching option. It allows you to make a local copy of your data and run import locally. Can you please disable the caching option and check if it takes less time for import.