Thanks for request !
Well, in this case as an quick decision to use expression + export - import of products.
step 1 - export products
step 2 - prepare expression for Bundle
Bundle Ship
IF([CSV_COL(3)] = 'bundle','Together',[CSV_COL(11)])
[CSV_COL(3)] - колонка типу продукту
expression for Ship Bundle items.
Bundle Options
IF([CSV_COL(16)] NOT LIKE '%DDR4;select;0;0%',CONCAT(IF(([CSV_COL(16)] IS NULL) OR ([CSV_COL(16)] = ''),'',CONCAT([CSV_COL(16)],',','DDR4;select;0;0')),''),[CSV_COL(16)])
[CSV_COL(16)] - column with list of option for bundle product
This expression will check the following string - DDR4;select;0;0 і створює, при її відсутності (тобто, додає додаткову опцію).
Bundle Selections
IF([CSV_COL(3)] = 'bundle',CONCAT(IF(([CSV_COL(17)] IS NULL) OR ([CSV_COL(17)] = ''),'', CONCAT([CSV_COL(17)],';')), ';DDR4_DDR4-1;2;0;1;1;0;0.00'),[CSV_COL(17)])
[CSV_COL(3)] - column of product type
[CSV_COL(17)] - column, where list of relations for budnle
This expression will check the type od product and relations and append the following additional text - ;DDR4_DDR4-1;2;0;1;1;0;0.00
screenshot -
step 2 - import CSV file with expression.
Here it is example
watch video -