Need to mass delete website association

Need to mass delete website association

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Feb 26, 2014
Steve wrote
When I imported my products into my test store, I chose a particular website. (I have multiple websites in one Magento installation.) This was a mistake, because all products will eventually be available in all websites. Descriptions, etc should use the default, not be website specific, as has happened now. I need to delete the website association, then recreate it so the websites use the default description, etc. How do I do that?
2 Answers
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Feb 27, 2014
Steve wrote
Update: I chose the path of least resistance by just deleting all my products en masse. Since I have the product spreadsheet to import, could someone tell me what I should do in the data to ensure that the product information is saved as the default only? How do I then manipulate the product data so it places the products in a specific website, but still using the default values for everything? I want all my products to rely on default values in all websites so I only need to change the default values and have them updated to all the websites. Thank you in advance.
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Feb 27, 2014
Ira Kobylianska agent wrote
Thank you for your interest.

In order to import values to Default Store view, you need to un-check all websites during import and leave just Default values check.

If you want to assign products to specific store view during import, you need to import sku and values that would be unique for this store view, in other case, you would update all values for specific store view during import(check attachment)

You can import products to default store view and assign products to specific store view (website) using Assign website button:

Also, you can set 'Use default' values for specific Store view, for already imported products using Multi Editor/Products Multi Editor:

Let us know if you have more questions