It would be great to have the import replace the existing attributes of the products and not only add them.
In a scenario where the attributes have changed, the old ones and the new ones will be present.
At this moment I have to delete all products and import them again...
Plus: it would be grea to have a "cleaning tool" that removes unused attributes from the db.
(there are more options for this, clear images for instance)
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3 Answers
Jan 14, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for suggestion
Clear tool feature has been implemented - see pic
Could you explain please? "remove option" - pic - clear.png
We have this option in Attribute section. - pic - mag-attributes.png
About the attributes...
Let's say I've got a car that's called BMW (by mistake in my xls or whatever reason) and I want to change tat option to Audi. After importing the xls again with the right brand (Audi). Now the car has both options, BMW and Audi. The first value, BMW was not cleared.
Jan 15, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
What type of attribute do you mean ? multiselect, downloadable ?
What did you mean tat ? Tag ?