eBay Prestashop Module cannot export size and color of products

eBay Prestashop Module cannot export size and color of products

Apr 08, 2015
Gabriele wrote
Dear Team,
I bought ebay module for prestashop and with surprise I discovered that it cannot export size and color of products, I guess this is a mandatory features, others mudules of other developers can do that, please take care of this request.

Best regards,
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Apr 08, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Hello Gabriele!

My name is Sergiy Kibitkin
I'm Technical Director of eMagicOne.com

In you case I can suggest 2 variants to you:
var.1 - wait for implementation of such feature in official Release. In thise case I'll be able to extend your update period. Estimate time - end of summer - start of autumn 2015.
var.2 - refund of purchase - see more here - https://emagicone.com/refund-policy/ (see application form in text)

Well , it's up to you.
I'm waiting for your response.