Using 1 image for multiple associated products within a configurable product

Using 1 image for multiple associated products within a configurable product

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Nov 07, 2013
John wrote
I am using your trial right now, and I am trying to figure out how I can associate or assign the same images to multiple simple products within a configurable product quickly.
Right now, I go to the configurable product, then click the associated products tab, and have been editing each one separately, but I want to do it more quickly.

The example is that I have say a zippered hooded sweatshirt with a design on it as the configurable product, and I have associated simple products for each size and color combination. Instead of editing each size and color, I would ideally select all and assign the same pictures to the white sizes, blue sizes, etc.

I hope this is possible.
- John
2 Answers
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Nov 07, 2013
John wrote
Never mind. I have since watched the tutorial on multi editors which easily solved my problem.
- John
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Nov 08, 2013
Ira Kobylianska agent wrote
Thank you for letting us know that you have figured out the issue from your side.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions