I am recently starting exporting orders to csv and i am missing 2 fields.
Invoice number and Payment Type (PayPal, Moneybookers etc).
How can i add these or can those be added to a future release?
5 votes
27 Answers
Jan 26, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello Steve!
Where did you get those fields ?
Store Manager for Magento works with core fields of Magento
See screenshot.
Do you use additional extensions ?
It works indeed with the core fields of magento but i am missing 2 fields.
I do not have them thats why i asked if those could be added :)
In the list of 200 field items (i have more because it is not only using the core magento fields) i am missing the invoice number and payment type field.
I asked about those in the chat also and the answer was that they are not yet available and that i could open a future request for them.
Well, let's wait for customer's reaction for this suggestion.
We are waiting for comments and votes for this topic.
Jan 27, 2015
We need same as well. however we need product related filed like Other attributes that we have created Like BUlk Price , Discount level or any other product related attribute ,
At the moment we can only export sales related attribute but if the product gets sold then we need some product information as well
Jan 27, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello Makbul!
ok. give us more details about your suggestion.
You told us : "we have created Like BUlk Price , Discount level or any other product related attribute "
What attributes did you mean?
Jan 27, 2015
I was talking about product related attribute as discussed with you. Sometime we need to create additional attribute for products like colour , Stock Info ,Special instruction , Supplier detail , Supplier qty etc
At the moment we can only add sales related attribute but once the product gets sold then we need sales plus product related attribute so we can pass it to relevant team for further processing , it will make life so much easier if we are allow to add all product related attribute
Jan 27, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for comment. Right now we have completed scheduled development plan for Store Manager: January - February 2015.
Right now we have 2 votes for this suggestion.
P.S. Makbul, could you send me your DB dump - tables, structures and some demo info. - kibi (at) emagicone.com
I'll try to investigate your suggestion more deeply.
Feb 16, 2015
Steve Van Balenwrote
Hi Sergiy,
Any news about this maybe?
Feb 16, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
We are working on current tasks.
So, we are not ready to start this task.
From your side - could you provide us full Database backup to investigate structure ? See me post from Jan 27th
Feb 17, 2015
Steve Van Balenwrote
Hi Sergiy,
You asked Makbul that but i want to send it no problem.
Can you provide an email address for wetransfer? The sql file is too big to send with regular email.
Feb 17, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
it's better for you to share download link by email - kibi@emagicone.com
Feb 23, 2015
Steve Van Balenwrote
Did you receive the email from wetransfer?
I noticed you did not download it yet.
Feb 24, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello Steve.
I've got nothing from you.
When did you send?
Could you resend ?
Feb 24, 2015
Steve Van Balenwrote
No i cannot resend i transfered the 900MB file with WeTransfer and the download link expired.
I will transfer the file again later tonight.
Feb 24, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Are you talking about zipped file size ? :-(
Please use archive to zip data in compact manner.
Feb 24, 2015
Steve Van Balenwrote
Just mailed you again with an download link.
Feb 25, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for backup.. you can remove it..
"payment type field" request - I'll add this task in our to-do list for future Releases.
About "invoice number" - could you create separate Feature Request for this option ?
Link here - https://support.emagicone.com/609746-Magento-Manager-Feature-Request
It's better for us to monitor user activities for this suggestion.
Mar 10, 2015
Steve Van Balenwrote
Why create a new request?
Does the invoice number not belong to export order fields?
So if in the future i need another few fields i need to request it for every new field?
I think it is more easier for you to add all available fields that are standard in Magento to the export order option in Store Manager for Magento.
Mar 10, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
We have development plan for next 6 months with tons of useful implementations.
We need Feature Requests and votes to identify the popularity of task and implement it ahead of time.
I'm not ready to comment second question - "So if in the future i need another few fields i need to request it for every new field?"
You didn't explain, what fields do you want to suggest.
About you comment: "I think it is more easier for you to add ALL available fields"
There is a balance between productivity and functionality. So we need to keep it always.
All the same in case or presentation of all attributes in the Product Grid.
It's not so easy in this case.
Nov 02, 2015
Hi Sergiy and Steve.
I want to buy Store Manager Enterprise for our new online shop (next version of actually online shop)
For us, this feature is essential because is very useful to analize info about orders and the sold items.
Sergiy, you don't undestand well the feature that Steve propose. It is not that the engineering team added one by one, new atributes suggested by customers.
If Store Manager is ready to work with new attributes created for system admin, why not use them in exportation of orders and items sold
If I add to my articles atributes about prices or cost -% discount on the cost, % discount on the price, .... - , i can perform calculations of margins and sales.
Imagine you add the attribute "season" -summer2015, fall2015..- to my articles. When exporting the order information, I can know how many items for season we sold.
I think that this feature can be very useful for many owners of shops magento and users of Store Manager
I wait, i need (!!) this feature.
Nov 03, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for explanation, Javier.
But, if you need to identify orders export by seasons - you'll be able to use the following fields in Export : Created At ,Updated At
Those fields are available for Export.
Finally, I've got meeting with our development team.
It's possible to implement such feature.
So this task was added to our To-do plan.
Right now we are working on Export - Import of Orders.
Development plan was confirmed before, so right now it's not possible to insert this feature in the current Release. I hope to return to this task after official Release of Magento Store Manager.
Estimate time - Nov- Dec. 2015
Thanks Sergiy for your quickly help and also for include it for the next version (before the inmediate nov-dic 2015).
I think that you are part of a dinamic work team !
Nov 04, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
I will be more realistic in the projections. Please refresh this topic at the end of November. At the moment we are working on import orders for Magento. This is a great and extensive task. I hope it makes sense to go back to the suggestion in early December ;-)
Nov 04, 2015
Ok, Sergiy, thanks so much !
Nov 05, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Please, keep in touch! :-)
Nov 06, 2015
Ok. Sergiy i will do it !
Nov 11, 2015
We haven't heard back from you for last 5 days, please confirm that all questions were answered and issues are resolved. In case you haven't received an answer, please check your spam folder or check the status of ticket online at:
Maybe we are waiting for some information from your side? In this case please get back to us.
In case we haven't replied you back or in case of any misunderstanding, please reply to this mail with all details so we could proceed.
If you do not reply us back, the ticket will be automatically closed within 24 hours.
With kind regards,
The eMagicOne Administration Team
Add fields to export order (invoice number and Payment Type)
Add fields to export order (invoice number and Payment Type)