I made quite big amount of canges (couple hundred chunks), but got error message while posting data to the web. Now I have 7 pending chunks (probably containing this error). Is it possible to get rid of the error so I can post the rest of the chunks ?
Is it possible not to loose unposted changes if error occurs while posting data ?
Is it possible not to loose unposted changes if error occurs while posting data ?
Reset password
1 Answer
Sep 25, 2014
Dmytro Grycelyakagentwrote
Hello Jiří Chára,
The error you receive indicates, that Store Manager can not Post Changes to Web because some data may be duplicated.
Probably you have being doing some changes from PrestaShop back-end while making changes in Store Manager.
In order to fix the issue, please perform Get Data from Web (in order to synchronize the Store Manger with the actual data of your database), make changes once more and Post Changes to Web.