Am using magento store manager for the last one week and have observe certain features is very important for better product management but missing in store manager.
I want the features to add weight on the right panel while creating associate products on the right panel of NEW PRODUCTs PREFERENCE...also SKU selectable to AUTOGENERATE in association with the parent SKU; Eg: Default Magento SKU Autogerate for associate products; so that it is easier to search and update and assign/deassign even in the future.increase the efficiency of product management.
Attached screen shot where the weight management/SKU option can be inserted
Both suggestions are added into "Todo-list", thank you. The SKU will be generated as in Admin Panel by default (using parent SKU), without options - to simplify interface.
If you have suggestions about additional options when generating SKU for associated products (not using parent SKU) - let us know, please.
Jul 29, 2013
please do it ASAP and include in your next version release....because it is very difficult for the customer also the sales to identify which SKU the customers ordered and able to search when the customer recieves the order like this:
Eg: Sku: Red_L_1; confused which product..each product should have a unique SKU irrespective of the product type...associated/visible/invisible :)
Jul 29, 2013
It best to provide the autogenerate sku based on the parent products..just like the option we already have in default magento admin. Thank you
It will be best to include with the interface shown in the screen shot..for both the new features (weight & sku)
Jul 30, 2013
Valeriy Shliakhtunagentwrote
Thank you for your suggestions. We will do our best to implement the suggestions in one of the nearest releases.
Sep 13, 2013
hello, when do you plan to implement this features? desperately waiting.........
Sep 16, 2013
Valeriy Shliakhtunagentwrote
We can not provide you with estimated time of completion of this feature, sorry. We can tell for sure that this feature will not be implemented in the next release, because next release will be totally devoted to orders creation, order export, POS and order-related details.
But this feature is on our TODO-list and it will be implemented in one of the future releases. Sorry for keeping you waiting.
Dec 17, 2013
Hi, desperately waiting for these features requested but sadly still not implemented despite 2(two) versions released..For your information, i have not use Mag Manager for any product import or creation due to lack of these features..please please implement this features..i'd like to know when this features will be done.
Dec 18, 2013
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
I guess, new release will be available after Happy New Year 2014 January :-)
Jan 04, 2014
Please include this features in the next release..i hope the new release willbe available in this month. I have report a bug also in "Point of Sale" also
Jan 08, 2014
Valeriy Shliakhtunagentwrote
Yes, this will be implemented in the nearest release. You will see notification about new version available on the start of Store Manager in the top left corner of the window.
Jan 21, 2014
the weight attribute should be able to add from the parent product itself..this is a basic feature which is missing from store manager while it is necessary to add attributes from default magento admin..should be miss to fix in the next release.
Jan 23, 2014
Valeriy Shliakhtunagentwrote
If configurable product has attribute set that includes weight attribute - then associated product generation dialog will include option to set custom weight for associated products. This will be implemented in the nearest release, though due to additional features the development of the new version will take more time.
Feb 17, 2014
hi there...i got the latest release updated but weight applied only to Associated products in the configurable products so wieght attribute doesnt show up in the frontend..kindly fix this.
Entering weights for configurable product so it copies over to simple
Thing is though when you create a configurable product there is no weight input field. The weight input field only appears on simple products which means you have to input it each time which is crazy for us as the weight of each simple product (assigned to the configurable) will be exactly the same weight (as it’s only a change of colour or size). Whereas if we could input it into the configurable product then it would auto generate when we create the simple products.
Feb 18, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello Ka!
I didn't quite understand your suggestion.
The weight is default for attribute-set. This is required for new product.
See screen-shot.
Please see the attached Screen Shots
Weight attributes not appearing when we select configurable products creation..Simple products is fine.
Also i see there are "text" field missing in "weight" attribute..i think there is something wrong..lots of empty "Default Value" fields are showing up as well.