We have 5 suppliers and 4 of them has a productfeed! we want to import the product feeds of the supplier2, supplier3, supplier4, supplier5 each day!
The Automated Product Import addon must check every day if there are products that are not listed anymore on one of the suppliers productfeed! in this case is it the suppliers 2, 3, 4 and 5!!!
But we have also the products of supplier1 (alibaba.com has not a productfeed) what will happen with those product wil it disalbed them to?
3 votes
5 Answers
May 26, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for suggestion Tahir
Something like this we are going to implement in future Release of Store Manager.
This is Custom SQL feature will be run when import will be finished by Store Manager.
According to term - I guess it will be in the middle of summer.
May 26, 2014
Tahir Yildirimwrote
that wil be nice.
Let you know when it is implement.
May 26, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
ok, follow us on this page to get more news about Release - http://www.mag-manager.com/discover-the-latest-updates-of-store-manager-for-magento/
May 28, 2014
Would be very nice to have this feature, for example to import one XML attribute only when to create automatic stock updates from external feeds.
May 28, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Something like this will be available in the middle of the summer. I guess.