Possible bug in setting stock availability = in stock using import/export and multi editor
Possible bug in setting stock availability = in stock using import/export and multi editor
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2 Answers
Feb 14, 2014
Ira Kobylianskaagentwrote
Thank you for lettign us know.
Can you please provide us with your store connection configuration (you can save it at Preferences[F12] / Actions / Save current configuration), import configuration (you can save it at the last step of import wizard), so we could check what caused the issue for you.
Waiting to hear from you
Feb 20, 2014
Ira Kobylianskaagentwrote
Thank you for your reply.
The issue was fixed in Personal release - version Please try to install newest version and let us know how it goes.
You can download updated version at:
Let us know how it goes
you can un-check