We're using Magento Store Manager to help with creating a lot of associated products. However after making said associated products and trying to post to the web we get the following error:
1406; Data too long for column 'sku' at row 1
INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity (attribute_set_id, type_id, sku, entity_type_id, entity_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES(52, 'simple', 'lift_bus_niseko_low_New Chitose Airport - Domestic 15:00_108_Mokunosho 11:10_Hirafu Welcome Center 12:10_101_New Chitose Airport - Domestic 09:30_2-day (consecutive days)_Adult (16-59yrs) ', 4, 16980, '2014-10-28 10:11:54', '2014-10-28 10:11:54');
Has anyone ever had this or know what it means? Your advice would be much appreciated.
"Data To Long for Column SKU" Error
"Data To Long for Column SKU" Error
Reset password
1 Answer
Oct 28, 2014
Ira Kobylianskaagentwrote
Hello Alex,
Thank you for your post.
We have not faced the issue before, so we have to check it from your side. We found all needed details at the ticket that you posted, so we will check it and e-mail you back with the result