Remove HTML <tags> from Meta Title or description

Remove HTML <tags> from Meta Title or description

Feb 07, 2017
Kund Szovátai wrote

Currently there are several types of diagnostics that you can run in Store Manager for Magento. One of them is 'HTML tags in meta title or meta description'.

It would be great if there would be a feature, which would strip the meta information from HTML tags or simply delete the tags and everything in between. There are tons of cases where you generate your meta info but end up with a lot of meta tags in it. This function would save a lot of time for a lot of people, I think.
4 votes
3 Answers
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Feb 07, 2017
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks for a suggestion, Kund.
As a quick decision, you'll be able to use expression in Store Manager to replace HTML tags -
see screenshots.

How to work with expressions -
Feb 07, 2017
Kund Szovátai wrote
Thank you for your quick answer. Indeed this is a quick workaround, although I have found, that I can use the Product Multi Editor for only one Attribute set at a time, which also can be quite difficult. Thank you for your quick answer though, hope you'll consider my suggestion!
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Feb 07, 2017
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Don't forget for this suggestion! Your comments and votes will speed up future implementation.