The new feautre i would like to see is Qoute tool inside of Store Manger.

The new feautre i would like to see is Qoute tool inside of Store Manger.

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Jan 21 (46 days ago)
Ira Kobylianska wrote
The new feautre i would like to see is Qoute tool inside of Store Manger. it sohuld not be hard to extende standard order tools with new one which would allow store owners to make register new customers and make proposals. basicaly we have a full funcional online cathalog and based on this data this feature could be new directon of extended software funcionalty . sholud look like a mix of PDF Catalog creator and orders.where on some template store owner could make proposals and generate PDF, email , or Magento ( in my case ) offers. please take a look at more complex solutions like Quter, QoteWerks , for reffernce
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