The function to export an order is already there but it would be nice if there was an option to import an order as well. Like for example if you got an .csv file you could upload it and it would create a new order automaticly and that you could define in magento store manager to whom of your customers your adding this order.
10 votes
30 Answers
Jan 30, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello Ricardo.
About export of orders. It's clear for me in this case. You can use CSV file for marketing, newsletters, bookkeeping.
But what about import of ordrs ?
It seems you want to migrate from another platform to Magento. Am I right ?
As a rule most of customers use special programs: QuickBooks, PeachTree. (by the way, we have those Addons: QuickBook integration Addon, Peachtree Integration Addon)
Why do you need import of orders, please explain? :-)
Jan 30, 2014
We have a couple of retailers that have a scanning system in their stores and scan the barcodes of their stores of products they need to restock. When they are ready they connect their scanners onto their computers and it rolls out an .cvs file what they send to us and we manually need to re-typ everything that is written in this csv file
Jan 31, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello Ricardo.
Thanks for comment.
According to our Policy, we implement a new features according to the volume of customer votes.
Feb 03, 2014
so what does that mean, by how many votes does this feature will be implemented?
Feb 04, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
It depends on activity of this branch and votes ( from 5-10 votes ) + additional comments by another users
Mar 13, 2014
Giorgio Bignozziwrote
Order import could be very interesting in case of porting or migration from Magento (old) to Magento (new) or from legacy to Magento.
order import should be linked with customer import, because inside order you have customer id.
OMHO it should work in this way
prefix order number with something (OLD_ as example)
optionally check if customer details (email as key) are already in customer table, in that case use existing customer_id
add customer details in customer table, use new customer id.
I really will be happy with order import
Mar 14, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
ok, thanks for comment.
Do you mean orders export in scope of Mageneto 1.x
export of orders from Magento 1.x and import for Magento 2.x ?
Apr 11, 2014
Benjamin Fillmorewrote
Consider also projects involving the importing of home-grown systems into Magento. Having this feature available could easily justify the purchase of a professional license in lieu of 're-inventing' the wheel in man-hours saved.
Having been through this personally before, I give the feature a vote!
Apr 13, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Thanks for your vote.
Do you need order import from Community only ( for example - from CE 1.6 to CE 1.8) or from Community Edition to Enterprise Edition ?
Apr 23, 2014
Gust Pouloswrote
Order import would definitely help complete the eMagicOne software package. I hope this feature comes out soon; I don't know how long I can wait without having access to previous orders from our old store in one central place.
Apr 24, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
You are right!
This is very useful feature.
I guess this service will be available in Store Manager for Magento Enterprise Edition.
According to terms of implementations - I'll update this status in the summer. We'll try to add this feature after official commercial Release of Ent. edition.
Apr 28, 2014
Thanks that would be great !
Apr 28, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
I guess it will be implemented after 2-3 stable Releases of Store Manager for Enterprise.
Right now we are working for EE support for Store Manager.
Apr 28, 2014
store manager for magento professional will get this update?
Apr 28, 2014
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
This option and more will be in the Store Manager Enterprise Edition.
If you have PRO version - you'll be able to upgrade Store Manager from Pro to EE after Release.
Additional info will be available soon (about Upgrade PRO -> EE)
Aug 06, 2014
It's taking a way too long time. I'm not willing to pay 500$ extra for importing orders via the enterprise edition, while I already have paid 500 dollar for the professional edition which is able to EXPORT orders...
The importing orders functionality is important because we have a development area and need to be able to import orders of the live area.
I hope the enterprise edition upgrade for professional licenses will be for a really good reduced price as the professional edtion should already get this little feature add ons in my opinion.
Aug 07, 2014
Oksana Semenyukagentwrote
The main idea of Enterprise version is to support Enterprise features like gift cards, reward points, advanced return management, CMS etc. The import orders (as well as advanced diagnostics, filters, etc) was considered as we had requests from users, though it was not the main idea of Enterprise version.
Also want to mention that the current price is an early bird price and will be changed shortly after the official release, so the offer that will be sent to users will surely be good. The final price will be increased once all features are added.
In case you have to perform orders import as one time task, most likely Enterprise version of Store Manager is not what you need. You are welcome to wait for the official release and check all features that will be included to make your decision.
Apr 28, 2015
I also need this functionality in order to upgrade old version to a new and fresh magento installation.
Apr 29, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Import of magento orders in or to-do list.
If you have Store Manager EE editions - this feature will be available after update after current Edition.
Jul 24, 2015
I would be interested in the extension if it has this.
For me, this is a key feature and cannot purchase until this is available.
Not sure why import / export would be in place for many other functions, but only export for orders.
If you implement this, I would be interested to buy.
Jul 27, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
The implementation of this feature is our goal for development plan.
Aug 01, 2015
We haven't heard back from you for last 5 days, please confirm that all questions were answered and issues are resolved. In case you haven't received an answer, please check your spam folder or check the status of ticket online at:
Maybe we are waiting for some information from your side? In this case please get back to us.
In case we haven't replied you back or in case of any misunderstanding, please reply to this mail with all details so we could proceed.
If you do not reply us back, the ticket will be automatically closed within 24 hours.
With kind regards,
The eMagicOne Administration Team
Sep 21, 2015
I am extremely interested in importing sales(orders) obviously as this will easily complete a magento (old) version to magento (new) version.
It is very important to be able to import that.
Can you possible offer a date of implementation ?
It does make a difference with us ref the date if it days vs weeks, or days vs months.
If this is going to be implemented in the very near future a date will be really handy!!
thank you in advance
Sep 21, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello Thanos!
Import of orders in our development plans.
I'll try to update this status after next offiical Release.
Please note, implementation of import of orders is very complated section.
So the development period is not in weeks but in months.
Sep 21, 2015
I appreciate the answer. It would be nice to get a date, so when ever it is convenient for U do let us know pls
Sep 21, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
I'll do :-)
Sep 26, 2015
We haven't heard back from you for last 5 days, please confirm that all questions were answered and issues are resolved. In case you haven't received an answer, please check your spam folder or check the status of ticket online at:
Maybe we are waiting for some information from your side? In this case please get back to us.
In case we haven't replied you back or in case of any misunderstanding, please reply to this mail with all details so we could proceed.
If you do not reply us back, the ticket will be automatically closed within 24 hours.
With kind regards,
The eMagicOne Administration Team
Dec 08, 2015
Jan Kehlerwrote
Are there any news regarding the orders import?
Dec 08, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Hello Jan!
We are still working on Magento orders import.
Some new enhancements will be added in this release.
I'm not ready to announce date of Release date right now, but this is our major task today for Magento Store Manager.
Testing stage will be soon for us.
Mar 14, 2016
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
By the way, this suggestion was implemented in Store Manager for Magento v. - see more -