Features of products export to eBay...

Features of products export to eBay...

Jan 12, 2017
Dariusz wrote
Hi eMagicOnes Team...
I'm selling on my shop a technical products which are recognised a most by features of it's... so, in my shop customers haven't any problems to find the product, which they looking for, with filtering by features...
if I want to export any products to eBay.., I have to edit every product description manually - copy and past the features into...
that is reason of my request to add possiblity export a features to eBay intergration as a next field potential to export...
thank you in advance...
best regards
1 vote
3 Answers
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Jan 13, 2017
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
Thanks for a request.
A new version of eBay Addon will support such options.
If you are interested in this Addon -please let me know - and I'll provide new version before official release. :-)
Jan 13, 2017
Dariusz wrote
Hi Sergiy,
good afternoon...

thanks for your reply...

I'm absolutely positive for your proposition... :-)
and will be very happy with...
- just let me know as soon as you can...

thank you in advance...

best regards,
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Jan 13, 2017
Alex Pryshlivskiy agent wrote
I've created separate ticket for you - CY-LZTPC-519
Please check email.