Reindex Product Data ONLY works from Store Manager

Reindex Product Data ONLY works from Store Manager

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Mar 12, 2013
Casey wrote
When products are imported via Store Manager - somehow it breaks the ability to reindex data from store admin & ssh. Every time data is reindexed, the products disappear from category views. We've read dozens of blog posts and tried everything we can think of to get the products to show back up WITHOUT having to Reindex catalog from eMagicOne Store Manager (which takes almost 3hrs for 6170 records).

Nothing works. Cleared cache, sessions, locks, url rewrites table in db, reindexing one at a time via ssh, etc.

Reindexing from magento admin/ssh only works on products that are first created from withing magento admin. Everyting imported via emagicone - something is wrong.

Please help.
1 Answer
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Mar 13, 2013
Ira Kobylianska agent wrote
Thank you for your reply.

Please contact us via e-mail and provide us with store connection configuration (you can save it at Preferences[F12] / Actions / Save current configuration), import configuration (you can save it at the last step of import wizard), .csv file, example of the product that is not displayed before import and admin access to your store so we could check what caused the issue for you.

Please do not post any data here since it is a public forum, so all data that is posted here could be accessible for all our users.

Waiting to hear from you