I run sales reports with the same data for all store configurations every month on the first for the month previous. I have a profile set up to run them, but I have to go into every store and run the report separately. I would love the option to select all stores (or specific stores) and tell the program to run the same report on all configs (to export either to multiple files or the same files - if exported to the same file, add a column with the store name).
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7 Answers
Jun 25, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
Helo Dave!
Are you talking about special configuration for report?
It depend on selected Store View for each report.
Am I right ?
Jun 25, 2015
Dave Faulknerwrote
Not really. I sent an email about this to someone else. Basically, I want to be able to tell the store to run the same report on all (or multiple selected) stores (configurations) at the same time. I already have a configuration built to export the report, but as it is now, I have to go to each store and run the report separately. I was hoping for a report where I could get store data for all stores (configurations).
Jun 26, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
The ability of Store View selection has been implemented in Report section for Store Manager.
See screenshot -
it depends on type report.
I'm not talking about store views. I want to run the same report on each separate CONFIGURATION (separate, individual stores, with individual admins). I have about 8 individual stores that I manage, and I need to run sales reports for each month. I have a report configuration that has date, order number, total sales, tax, payment method, etc (all common order attributes) and would like to run that on all of my individual stores (NOT store views) at one time, if that's possible (or can be possible). Since these are on separate databases, I imagine it would require a little configuring, but I thought I'd ask.
Jun 26, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
ok. just example:
You have 8 stores with 8 connections in Store Manager.
So you need to run reports for 8 stores in one time.
Am I right ?
Please confirm.
Jun 26, 2015
Dave Faulknerwrote
That's exactly what I'm hoping for. I'd also like it to add a column (column 1 maybe) that says what configuration it came from (for filtering & reporting purposes)
Jun 26, 2015
Alex Pryshlivskiyagentwrote
This is nice idea.
Give me some time.
I'll try to discuss with our development team.
Enable running of same report on all configurations
Enable running of same report on all configurations