Can Store Manager facilitate Development/Production server migration?

Can Store Manager facilitate Development/Production server migration?

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Feb 07, 2013
Casey wrote
We use Store Manager for product importing, frequently using the backup function during this process. It would be great if we could use Store Manager for synchronizing data between development site and live production sites in the same way. This would save new developers from having to learn/setup SVN/Git.

Ideally, you could make this an available function within the application - where the developer enters relevant values for dev/staging/live site URL's, pw's, etc. And selects which db areas [products/customers/orders/etc.] and which file folders [design/skin/etc.] to push in which direction.

In the meantime...perhaps you can write a tutorial for how to do this manually with the current backup/restore functions.

For Full backup/restore:
1. Which files need to be manually updated with db connection strings.
2. Which areas of the db need to be manually updated for store urls, pw's, etc?

For dev/live sync and/or Partial backup/restore:
1. Which file directories are relevant (non-core) to backup/restore.
2. Which db tables are relevant to backup/restore.

Any help you can provide with this would be most welcome. We have three development sites we need to setup this process for right now.

Thank you
2 Answers
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Feb 08, 2013
Ira Kobylianska agent wrote
Thank you for your comments.

Store Manager allows to save backup/restore settings (you can select tables, files that should be backup/restored) while setting up backup.
Also, you can save restore from selected files (backup some files and restore only checked files at another store)

Store manager allows to backup / restore all files.

Actually, since each Magento store has its unique hash to generate passwords after restoring backup at another store, passwords would be missed.
The same true for urls, since each of your stores has its own url, urls could not be moved. Also, url rewrites is built depended on store url, so it could not be restored correctly as well.

You can submit feature request at: if the features that you are offering would be voted, we would check the possibility to implement them.

Let us know if you have any other questions
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Feb 08, 2013
Ira Kobylianska agent wrote
Please find more answers below:

1. Backup/restore settings could be saved
2. We'd recommend you to move products from one store to another using export/import options (it is usefull for images as well, since allows to upload images correctly)
3. There is no need to backup/restore system tables, just tables that you are making changes with or related tables (it depends n teh changes that were made at your dev store)
4. You may not restore index tables, just perform reindex from admin in order to make sure that all changes were saved correctly.

Please let us know if you have any other questions