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Jun 02, 2014
Andy Lord wrote
how do i change the name value of multiple products in expresion with attributes that are assigned to that product ?

for example i have name: red shirt
i have attributes

i want red shirt to be: red m
3 Answers
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Jun 03, 2014
Dmytro Grycelyak agent wrote
Hello Andy,

You can use the following expression applied to Product Name field in the Multi Product Editor: CONCAT([ATTRIBUTE(color)],' ',[ATTRIBUTE(size)])
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Jun 03, 2014
Andy Lord wrote
CONCAT([ATTRIBUTE(color)],' ',[ATTRIBUTE(size)])
works for me but why doent
CONCAT([ATTRIBUTE(color)],' ',[ATTRIBUTE(size)],' ',[ATTRIBUTE(price)])
work ?
thanks for the help
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Jun 03, 2014
Andy Lord wrote
im getting the following error:

Product ID [1217]: ERROR: you have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MYSQL Server version for the right syntax to use near "10")) WHERE (entity_id = 1217) AND (Store_id = 0) AND (attribute_id = 71)' at line 1