While loading products in catalog using a CSV file , for both configurable products and simple products , it is noticed that initially the products are loaded wit the images appear on the list page, product page and within the database which can be seen through the admin manager. But subsequently after re-indexing the image appears only on the list page while the product page does not display the image as well as the database too does not reflect the image path and this behavior is seen erratically.
Appreciate a solution.
Images don't appear on Product page and Database
Images don't appear on Product page and Database
Reset password
4 Answers
Sep 12, 2016
Ira Kobylianskaagentwrote
Thank you for your comment
Seems like your Magento version is 1.9.x and you are trying to import same image to several products. If yes, we should mention that Magento starting from 1.9 does not allow to use same image for simple and configurable products - you have to use re-generate new image name option during import to add images correctly (check scree-capture for details). In other case, re-index will remove values and only 1 product would have images
Thanks for your response, you are correct the version of Magento is 1.9.2 and Store Manager version is 2.8 . We have tried to upload the products in test server with unique image names for simple and configurable products, but some of the images do not appear instantly, is it that catalog re-indexing needs to be performed after which the images appear as desired for the respective products. Currently we are facing the problem where the behavior is inconsistent , since there are certain instances where though the image names are not unique, the images do appear in the respective location. Also would like to know that the images are read through a http call from a cloudinary, would this have any effect on the outcome, whether moving the images to a local server and reading it as a file would change the behavior. The above option that is 'Generate new image name if image already exists' if selected slows down the upload process considerably, loading very few products in a day. Is that something that can be overcome.
Sep 15, 2016
Ira Kobylianskaagentwrote
Thank you for your reply
We'd recommend you to load images to your local pc to speed-up import process.
As for re-generate new image name option - we should mention that application retrieves all images names from your server, that is why the process took so long. We can offer you to rename local images files (to make them unique) and update the file before import to be able to import without this option checked
Let us know if you have any other questions
Sep 16, 2016
Thanks for the response , will revert back for any further queries.