PrestaShop Manager Feature Request

PrestaShop Manager Feature Request

Issue with shop associations

Setup this configuration: 1) Multishop install with 2 shops: A & B 2) Create category CAT_A and assign to both shops, A & B 3) Create product PROD_1 and assign it to CAT_A only on shop A 4) Create product PROD_2 and assign it to CAT_A only on shop B Now with "All shops" selected in the dropdown: 5) Make sure quick edition in grid is enabled 6) Click on CAT_A category, so on the product grid you see both products PROD_1 and PROD_2 7) Change product name in grid of PROD_1 to, for instance, PROD_...
1 vote

POS: Customization required fields

When a product has Required customization text fields and you add it to an order in the POS it does not ask to fill in those text fields and there is NO possibility /options to fill them in. Please vote on this, some features that are missing on the Prestashop Manager are just basic product/orders management in Prestashop. Thanks for comment, Yosh. According to our Policy, we implement a new features according to the volume of customer votes. Any idea of how far ahead in the roadmap is this f...
11 votes

Order filters - Allow more than one order status

It would be very handy if we could select more than one order status in the orders filter. As it stands we can only filter by one status at a time. For example, it isn't possible to filter all incomplete orders that are either 'payment accepted' OR 'awaiting despatch'. Likewise, if we wanted to see all completed orders we are not able to filter all orders that are either 'despatched' OR 'collected'. Hello Symphony Music, It is possible to filter orders by multiple order status, enabling the...
1 vote

Facebook integration

it would be great to have a possibility to easily load products to a Facebook Page Shop Ciao Nadia, concordo in pieno e credo che sarebbe una utilissima e necessaria implementazione e lo sarebbe ancora di più oggi che facebook sta cambiando le sue politiche di -e-commerce sulla piattaforma. Grazie e buona giornata.
15 votes

Keep the modified program view after the software update

It would be useful for the program to save the positions, selection and dimensions of the cells to prevent the user from having to reposition them with each update
6 votes

IOF file format support

Do you plan to support an import of IOF files ( If yes, when?
1 vote

Product images in new format WEBP

Add to product images compatible WEBP format Agreed. My store has score lower due to image quality and size. Google search console give more credits on this now. It will be a great feature! Voted for! Please add this feature asap. Just as there is a tool that allows you to add watermarks to images and there is also another that allows you to regenerate thumbnails. It would be a good idea to add a new tool that allows you to convert existing images to the new WEBP formats. I agree as well. It w...
14 votes

Retina images support

Since a few minor versions, PS default template supports retina images: on page load javascript checks if screen is retina and if it is it tries to replace all product images with the same filename with "2x" at the end (before image extension). As far as I understand (I could be wrong but this should be the correct procedure) when a user uploads an image that is at least twice the size of the "thickbox" size in Preferences > Images, an image version is saved with "2x" with twice the thickbox ...
5 votes

Import Amazon orders into Prestashop

I think it would be great If I could import orders from Amazon into my prestashop store. That would save me a lot of job as I could provide my customers the invoice made by Prestashop. That would change my stock as well so It would make easier to avoid orders without stock on prestashop.
5 votes

Space to add comments on the order

Hello, Is it possible to have a special space to add personal comments on the order? it could be useful to be able to see with a quick look the comments on the order. Sincerely, David
0 votes

allow managing image captions in bulk (during import or in Mass Product Changer)

Images and caption on images are very important for Google seach and others, so it seems not very difficult to add this field with the other fields. It would be great to be able to work fast on hundred and hundred photos and captions! And more it would be interesting than the captions in the photos be automaticaly the name of the product Thanks for a suggestion. Right now you can edit selected image only. see the screenshot - PrefstaShop-Mass-Product-Changer-menu.png Right now we don't have su...
12 votes

Exporter les produits sur Facebook Shopping

Ce serait formidable une intégration avec le shopping Facebook, avec photo, prix, et un link vers le produit sur le magasin en ligne. Créer des produits sur Facebook manuellement est très fastidieux pour ceux qui ont beaucoup de produits surtout si les prix changent de temps en temps
0 votes
not commented yet

Regenerate thumbnails

The vast majority of Prestashop shops are hosted in shared servers. However, a BASIC maintainance tool such as Regenerate Thumbnails does not work in most shared servers, because of timeout problems. Prestashop Store Manager has addressed similar problems with index rebuilding and cache clearing, but not thumnail regeneration. For the moment, the only alternative is an expensive addon from another vendor. Adding this feature to Prestashop Manager would appeal to some additional clients sufferi...
6 votes

Barcode scanning Inventory Management / stock control

I would like to you to add a new feature, it is way to automatically count incoming products (and increase quantity) by scanning their respective barcodes and then to have the chance to add them to a warehouse with a click. Instead of adding them manullay as said here: EXAMPLE: 1.- We already entered in the DB a dress with unique reference, EAN13 for each size 2.- We receive an order from manufacturer with 4...
24 votes

EAN Generator

You are missing a random ean generator for the store that would greatly simplify the work of having to create a code for each product. It should be so generate an ean code from our interest type start with 56089000001 Article gets type MMS001 or 5000001 UPC 8900001 example with the option of giving in the program where it starts generating the eans from that number, and each time we create a code it automatically generates with the option that if one of the other 2 codes is placed it will be red...
6 votes

Amazon Integration for Canadian marketplace -

Hello, I really like the idea to have Amazon Integration built-in into Store Manager for Prestashop. That would be nice to see it working with (Canada). Amazon itself allows you to register North American professional account that gives you seamless integration and control in both places - & I would really appreciate if you guys can expand it to Canadian marketplace. Thank you in advance! P.S. I'd be glad to help you with testing it as I have both accounts .COM & ....
1 vote

saving the proportions of the interface

I am just wondering if it is possible to somehow save the proportions of the interface and not adjusts automatically after every restart. So every time i start the program i will not have to re-arrange the view settings like: panel, window, section, column widths or positions etc.. Even i save settings after the desired view, the program resets the panel positions and dimensions (width, height) every time i start the program. Thanks! Save for request! Right now we have such option for our n...
6 votes

Ebay order transfer to prestashop

Having the orders received on ebay transfer back to prestashop would be hugely helpful for generating invoices / delivery notes / user information & viewing revenue details. The free prestashop plugin currently offers this and having the same thing on prestashop manager would be a huge help. Hello Luke! Thanks for comment ok, I see. There are a lot of question for this option. What should we do with quantity ? What should we do if customer for order was registered in eBay - does it mean we ne...
3 votes


It will be great to have a product feed for google for marketing Hello Dext! Are you talking about feed generator (export) or feed reader (import)? HI Sergiy yes something like that but for google shopping Thanks for comment. Please vote for this suggestion to speed up implementation. please for google marketing and re-marketing feed would be good. and of course export :) best Martin Thanks for your vote, Martin! Now the Feed Export tool is at your disposal. Perform feed export of PrestaSh...
4 votes

Grid view

Display the list of products in GRID mode with picture included. Hello Oriol! Something like this we are going to implement in the next Release of Store Manager for PrestaShop. This feature - image thumbnail preview can easy control images for each product in the Product Grid. Here it is example - see screenshot - Ok, perfect. Please wait for next Release. It'll be closer to the end of summer. :-) I guess. This feature has been added
2 votes