Store Manager for WooCommerce

Store Manager for WooCommerce

Galery problem

I see Featured Image in the right window, but it is not in the left window. How is that possible? When I replace Featured Image with someone from the left window, it is no longer in the image gallery.

Change data in Store Manager NOT possible and creations from Store Manager to WP not accepted.

Hi guys, Four problems with the new interface. 1. If I created a category or subcategory in Store Manager, it will not be populated into the WOO COMMERCE database and show up on the web-store. If I create it in WOO I can then import it into Store Manager. 2. When attempting to manipulate details of products in Store Manager such as SKU, PRICE, SLUG, CATEGORIES, TAGS, and so forth. This locked and NOT possible. The same goes for any details for any category from the category tree. 3. Impo...

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error - after 1 hour of work

dear, i received an aleatory error. after use program (1 hour approx), when i post changes. Hello Alonso! Thank you for letting us know. We have sent you an email asking about more details. Awaiting for your reply to our email! Thank you! Inna When receiving data from web error: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Hello Wiktor! Tech engineer would need to check why this error happened. We have contacted you by email asking for more details. Thank you! hi! also have same problem. build 21...

Posting data error

This is the message I am getting. Could someone be of assistance. 1104; The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay INSERT INTO wp_wc_product_meta_lookup (`product_id`, `sku`, `virtual`, `downloadable`, `min_price`, `max_price`, `onsale`, `stock_quantity`, `stock_status`, `rating_count`, `average_rating`, `total_sales`) SELECT T1.`ID` AS `product_id`,T2.`meta_value` AS `sku`,IF(T3.meta_value =...

Error import

Hello, When i want to import a excel file catalog i have the error : #HY000Field 'description' doesn't have a default value i use last wordpress version, woocommerce latest version on apache server on local mode. do you have a idea thanxs a lot Hello Frederic, Thank you for contacting us. Please provide us with a screenshots of the error so we could see it clearly. Also please specify: - what version of Store Manager for WooCommerce do you use and the connector version 1) Store Confi...

Hanging on export

I am using the latest version of the Store Manager for Woocommerce. When I do a product export of all products, it hangs at approximately 1/3 of the way. The process will hang the CPU core used (out of 6 cores) and will stay hung until I kill the process. The machine is running Windows 7, 32gb RAM. I can export from Woocommerce itself without issue, but I would prefer to use this product so that I can make updates to the file and upload it back. Hello Richard! thank you for letting us know. ...

Custom Product with LOTS of variations.

I am running into an issue creating variations with the variations "Generator". I have 7 Attributes each with different numbers of variations. Attribute 1 = 3 Variations Attribute 2 = 3 Variations Attribute 3 = 6 Variations Attribute 4 = 6 Variations Attribute 5 = 8 Variations Attribute 6 = 8 Variations Attribute 7 = 5 Variations Unless my math is wrong (and it is late and I am tired so it might well be), the number of permutations I come up with is 32,224,114. Here is my problem. I run the ...