Magento Manager Feature Request

Magento Manager Feature Request

The new feautre i would like to see is Qoute tool inside of Store Manger.

The new feautre i would like to see is Qoute tool inside of Store Manger. it sohuld not be hard to extende standard order tools with new one which would allow store owners to make register new customers and make proposals. basicaly we have a full funcional online cathalog and based on this data this feature could be new directon of extended software funcionalty . sholud look like a mix of PDF Catalog creator and orders.where on some template store owner could make proposals and generate PDF, ema...
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drag and drop product category

Hello after drag and drop product into category, the focus back to the first line of the list. In a long list this is tedious because you have to go back to where you were working on the list. I would like the focus to return to the line immediately before or after the moved one (like windows explorer to understand) Than you very much!
1 vote

Custom fields in Customer view

It would be nice to be able to select and see the custom fields in the Customer list
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Add Bill To Customer Company Header to Order Screen

It would be a HUGE benefit to be able to have the option of including the Bill To Company Name on the order screen.
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sort grouped products with associated in main Grid

add the possibility to sort grouped products with associated in the main Products Grid
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Make Alt Text field avalaible and editable in product grid or as a field

Make Alt Text field avalaible and editable in product grid or as a field
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Add cash drawer support to Point Of Sale tool

Please vote for this feature and also specify in comments more details how you would like it to work and the way your cash drawer is connected to your computer (USB or other)
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Support for multiple search strings in the filter

Currently, the filter allows for _ and % as wildcards. This is useful if you want to search for a very specific result. What if you have a list of search items that you wish to process in a batch? Currently you cannot filter a column with multiple search strings (example: SKU1, SKU2, SKU3) I am suggesting adding an argument such as , or ; or & to allow for multiple searches to occur in one filter query.
2 votes

More AI Engines not only ChatGPT such as Gemini Pro and ollama etc.

Can you more than 1 AI not only ChatGPT such as Gemini Pro ollama etc. So we can compare results.
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Resize media_gallery images on import

When importing images I want to set rules for resizing the images I import as images_gallery. Just like I do the Small, Thumb and Swatch. Have seen this in a screenshot in your documentation. Something that you removed? See image linked below: Best regards Jonatan Samuelsson
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Drag categories and insert them between one another

I notice that in Magento I can drag categories and insert them between one another. Why can't I do this in Store Manager? It always drops categories into another category. Please suggest this for your feature requests. Your drag and drop is much faster than Magento. Being able to place these between categories is important. Thanks. Thanks for a feature request. Please don't forget to vote for your suggestion. More comments and votes will speed up the implementation.
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add to the order name of the store where product was purchased

add to the order info also the name of the store where it was purchased Thanks for suggestion. Right now we have development plan for 2014. We are ready yo discuss this suggestion from 2015. One more comment. Do you want to add such info in the final invoice ? We have such info in orders grid - see screenshot - By the way, this option will be implemented in 2015
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Import customer"s whishlist

Add ability to export /import customer"s wishlist field. Please vote for the feature if you would like it to be added in future versions.
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Move Data from Magento store to Etsy

For now, there is a possibility to Import products from Etsy to Magento via Store Manager. Please vote for the feature if you would like Import data from Magento to Etsy option to be added also.
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Ability to accept payment by parts in POS

Please vote for the feature if you would like it to be added in future versions.
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set the order for attributes while sku is generated

Please allow to set the order for attributes that are added while sku is generated when you use the option to automatically add associated products in Store Manager Please vote for the feature if you would like it to be added in future versions.
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POS improvement

Make editing easier and more like an excel sheet, reduce mouse clicking and loading time.
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Ability to save/edit existing scheduled tasks

Please vote for the feature if you would like it to be added in future versions.
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Show the "Quantity sold" column in the product grid

Please vote for the feature if you would like it to be added in future versions.
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DHL shipping

Add integration with DHL shipping including order status tracking and automated synchronization. Please vote for the feature if you would like it to be added in future versions.
2 votes
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